Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 12 – Fri Feb 8 – Four Inspirational People

Isn’t it wonderful how many inspirational people there are out there if you just look for them?  I am beginning to enjoy getting to pause for just a moment and meet people along the way rather than just pass them by.  Today while entering the KROC Center I met Bella Scott who checked me in and labeled a towel with my name. She has been working there for six months and rides her bike into work 3 miles each way and walks in when there is snow. That is dedication. 
Next to her was Cody Childers who wants to run the Hayden Triathlon this year under 1:20 total. He bought a bike from Mountain View Bike in Hayden for Christmas which bike store he recommends. It is and Orbea-Onix carbon fiber road bike. Here is a picture he sent to me.  Next year he wants to run the CDA Triathlon and sometime perhaps the Ironman.  Isn’t this a nice looking bike. 
While training easy on the Eliptical machine again today for 30 minutes and greater than a 10 min mile pace I saw an unusual site in front of me. A married couple holding hands while running on treadmills next to each other. I watched as they held hands, this way and that, ran backwards, danced on the treadmills while still holding hands. Their names were Zach Doty and Katie Doty. It was 8:30pm to 9:00pm at night. They have been members for two months and came in a couple of times a week. Zach was interested in knowing more about the Hayden Triathlon. He said I could find out more about them at their web site which is  Isn’t that an interesting website name that they were able to obtain.  On their website they pronounce their love and acceptance of Jesus as their Savior, have poems, songs, pictures and invite you to visit the Hayden Bible Fellowship Church.  Nice site, read the poems. My favorite one is called “Courting Your Wife”.  I left a comment there. No wonder they were holding hands while running on the treadmills. A pretty inspirational couple if you ask me. 
 While in the outside hot tub before it closed at 9:30pm on Fridays I met Doug Murray.  He seems just like me. A Jr. High athlete that ran the 800m in less than 2:09 and over the years had years of fitness and years where it wasn’t a priority. An interesting fact about Doug is that at the age 14 he ran his first marathon, in Houston, without training or warning to put on Vaseline to ease the constant rubbing. In fact he did a one mile warm up run just before the start.  He was on pace to complete it in 3:30 or less when he hit the wall at the 20 mile mark and all but stopped, then walking and semi-jogging the last 6 miles to finish under 5 hours.  As we left the Kroc Center I asked him what I could challenge him to do – run the 400m in less than 60 seconds?  He is thinking about it and will get back to me.  He moved to CDA from the Colorado Springs area 4-5 years ago.  His two daughters attend CDA Charter School which he recommends as a good educational school.
A question I have for experience triathletes -> Is there a wall in a sprint or Olympic distance triathlon?

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