Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 4 – Thurs Jan 31 – Choice of Hotels/First Swim in Winter

Today I was traveling for business so I made a choice of the Radisson Hotel in downtown SLC because it had an indoor pool and I wanted to start exercising when I was on out-of-town business trips in the winter.After work appointments I went to the pool before dinner and tried some sidestrokes and breast strokes which I normally prefer. But today I tried the crawl. I haven’t done much of a crawl since 1969 when I graduated from high school. It took me 12 strokes to get across the small pool without raising my head to breathe.  I figured if it took me 12 with a front crawl it would be about the same with a backstroke. I confidently went for it, and bonked my head on the end of the pool on stroke 10. Novice mistake.  After that I started paying attention to what was above and around me so I wouldn’t bonk anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Dad these posts are fun to read. I can imagine myself doing the exact same thing. I had some very painful head bonks when I used to go swim with Heather in Madison, WI. For all the time and effort I've put into learning to swim I am still so dang slow and un-natural.
