Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 88 April 26 SLC Mountain Run

My daughter Maria took us on a 7 mile run in the mountains above homes in Salt Lake City. Here is a picture of us at the beginning. I still look out of shape and overweight. It is taking awhile, but I did run with my daughter, son, and wife so that is positive.

I am on the left, my wife Julienne in the middle, and daughter Maria on the right. Look at the hills and trails behind us that we are about to run. SLC is about 2,500 feet higher than CDA is and you can feel it in your lungs. My son Jacob ran with us and took the picture.

A few miles later after going up the hills we are winding around the mountains. I stayed back and took this picture of Julienne and Maria on the trail below me. Isn't it pretty.

It was the type of run that made me enjoy life and its beauties and forget somewhat about my Mom's death exactly one week ago.

We had to get home, shower, and dress up in a hurry because we went to dinner with Adam's father and grandparents at the DoDo in SLC then onto the Utah Symphony where Maria played with the violin section.

Here is the picture of us afterwards in the Abravanel Hall by the glass sculpture.

From left to right is Julienne, Richard, Maria, and Adam.

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