Saturday, July 27, 2013

July 26-27th Wow. What a Bike and Hike

Friday morning at 6am Jeff & Julie Crandall, Julienne and I took off on the CDA Olympic Distance Bike Course. We started just outside the downtown area at Michael D's restaurant. I felt on fire. Not only did I go up Yellowstone and Bonnell hill with confidence, but I attacked the Mullan Road segment both up and done. I like that feeling of strength and confidence. I think that I am ready for that course.

Later that afternoon the four of us hiked up to Lake Stevens just beyond the town of Mullan. I liked that too. We followed mostly goat trails right up the mountain and missed the switchbacks that take you up at a more leisurely gain in elevation.

 Jeff & Richard half-way into the hike

 Richard & Julienne at the First Stevens Lake

At the top steep section I did my counting of breathes and reached 60 before I reached the top. That is type of physical fitness I like to have where I look forward to a challenge. Jeff and Julie are really good hikers and lead the pace. They are both in good shape and up for a challenging hike. It is fun to have friends like that.

 Jeff, Julie, and Julienne at the top
 Julienne by the tent Sat morning

On Saturday morning we hiked up to the second lake where Jeff and I dove in for a swim.

 Richard coming out of the swim

 I am surprised how I naturally resort to the crawl stroke now, even in a cold lake and feel so much more comfortable breathing in the water. What a change from Monday in my swim class with Derek.

. Jeff, Julie, Julienne, and I in Wallace
after the hike eating Huckleberry shakes
at the Red Garage.
Totally non-fitness food and totally worth it. 

I will continue this post with a picture of the rock that I brought down that made all the fitness difference in the world.

The hike down the mountain would have been pretty routine and easy had it not been for this beautiful green rock which Julienne saw in the rock field.  She jokingly talked about bringing it home as we have done so with rocks from various other memorable hikes. It looked big, but I went back picked it up and thought maybe I could carry it home. So I put it in my back pack which made it lopsided and top heavy. The first 10 minutes or so were awkward but not too hard, then the extra 18 pounds begin to wear on me. It was pulling my shoulders back, pushing on my back, putting tension on the waist strap, and making me work on balance, and descent. It make the remaining part of the hike a difficult workout. I couldn't believe that I was packing that many more pounds on my body a few short months ago. At any rate, the rock is now planted by our front entry way with other rocks we have brought home and I got an extra special workout to boot.

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